Machine Tools


"After meeting Peter Tommasini at one of his popular metal shaping seminars some 15 years ago, I was struck not just buy he’s knowledge and exceptional skill in shaping metal, but equally for his passion and love of this age old enthralling art. I purchased my first hammer and Dolly from Peter and subsequently now all of the metal shaping tools for our restoration business are purchased exclusively through Peter. The simple fact, the same love and passion he has for shaping metal also applies to every hand tool and metal shaping machine that he personally designs, uses, and sells. Our most recent purchases include the combination handbuilt English wheel with planishing hammer attachment. As expected this high end quality metal shaping machine hosts exceptional strength, precision, and functionality. Peter always stated 'there is no substitute for quality' and his metal shaping tools have always provided an excellent return on investment in our business with reduced labor times and ease of operation. Over the years I have had the pleasure to watch and assist Peter working metal. To see a master craftsman at the top of his game, in this day and age of computerisation and impatientance has truly been a privilege."

"Peter, you know from our conversations that I like to design and build machines and having taken a second look at your new shrinker, I would like to extend my congratulations on what I am seeing as a very sophisticated design built in a simplistic manner. I like the deep throat and the fact that the die opening angle further adds to this machines versatility. Mounted on wheels with locking castors makes it easy to move around the shop. While I am very proud of my own shrinking machine design, I really admire the fact that yours is air powered with the ability to vary the hit pressure, and to be able to switch from multiple style dies and the fact that the die holders are bolted in place adds to the versatility. I'm afraid that this might appear to be an advertisement, but I could not let such wisdom go unappreciated. This machine is clearly well done and would be a wise investment for those metal shapers intent on saving time as a way to earn money. I spent some time talking to Kerry Pinkerton after I built my own English Wheel and counted the time finding and matching parts, running around looking for steel tubing, doing the layout, making fixtures, etc., etc. (and then building my power shrinker) it becomes abundantly clear that it would be wiser to pay for the machine that you want and spend the time before and after earning money."